XML Notepad 2.9

Full internal name:xml-notepad
Project site:https://microsoft.github.io/XmlNotepad/
Screen shots:
Screen shot
Download: Download XML Notepad 2.9


VirusTotal results
Change log:https://github.com/microsoft/XmlNotepad/commits/master

provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents.

SHA-1 or SHA-256:
Text files:
rem InstallerHelper cannot be used here as all the files in the .zip should be in the same directory as the .msi file
msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\InstallMSI.log /i XmlNotepadSetup.msi INSTALLDIR="%CD%\Prog" ALLUSERS=1 MSIFASTINSTALL=7
set err=%errorlevel%
type .Npackd\InstallMSI.log

rem list of errors: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa368542(v=vs.85).aspx
rem 3010=restart required
if %err% equ 3010 goto cont
if %err% neq 0 exit %err%

msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\UninstallMSI.log /x XmlNotepadSetup.msi MSIFASTINSTALL=7
set err=%errorlevel%
type .Npackd\UninstallMSI.log

rem 3010=restart required
if %err% equ 3010 exit 0

rem 1605=unknown product
if %err% equ 1605 exit 0

if %err% neq 0 exit %err%
Last modified:Thu Mar 16 17:12:01 UTC 2023
Last modified by:tim.lebedk...
Created:Thu Mar 16 17:12:01 UTC 2023
Created by:tim.lebedk...
Automated tests:9 of 9 installations succeeded, 9 of 9 removals succeeded